
Presentations- Q&A avoiding questions

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  • by anthony

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Of course, you might receive questions that you would prefer to avoid because you are not confident of the answer. Here are 3 techniques that will let you maintain control in such situations:


1. Signal

2. Decline

3. Offer


1. Signal

Prepare the audience for the fact that you are not going to answer. However, be careful how you do this. I do not recommend using negative expressions such as: I’m sorry…, I’m afraid… or Unfortunately… Instead, using To be honest… will be received by your audience much more positively.


 2. Decline

Again, take care with your word selection. Rather than using I don’t want to answer that question, say something like:


I can’t answer that question right now,…

I don’t really know,…

I’m not 100% sure,…


3. Offer

Finish positively by offering some kind of alternative:


but I will check and get back to you.

but my guess is…

but can anybody in the audience help answer that question?



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