
Presentations- visual aids 4

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  • by anthony


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Use a logical structure



Here is a simple logical structure to help guide you as you present a slide:


1. Introduce

2. Describe

3. Explain

4. Conclude



1. Introduce

First, let the audience know what they are looking at. Be careful, however, just like in your overview and when you are using signposts, not to waste this opportunity to showcase your excellent communication skills. Use variety in the language you use:


This graph/slide/picture…                                     

The horizontal/vertical axis…   




2. Describe

The audience can already see your slide, so you don’t need to spend too much time on this stage:


As you can see sales have fluctuated significantly.



3. Explain

This is the part where you can really add value by explaining what the audience cannot see; the background for your images. This often involves explaining the causes of what you have just described. Again, a variety of language is recommended:


Result>Cause                                      Cause>Result

because (of)                                         therefore

due to                                                  consequently

as a result (of)                                     leads to



4. Conclude

Finally, before you move onto your next slide, conclude by emphasizing the main point of the slide:


The important thing here is..

What I’d like you to remember is..

The thing I want to point out is…




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