
Presentations- conclusions

The last element of your presentation is the conclusion. Begin your conclusion with a clear signpost such as “In conclusion,…”, “To conclude,…” or “I’d like to conclude my presentation by saying…”.


Common themes for closing statements in business presentations include challenge and hope for the future. Sometimes conclusions refer back to the hook or benefit statement you made at the start of the talk. This helps the audience feel that your speech has completed a logical journey.


The final impression of any experience largely determines how it is remembered, so it is worthwhile working to make an impact in this part of your presentation structure. In order to do this, the two things you will need are:


1. Strength

2. Length



1. Strength

Use more emphatic forms at the end of your presentation. Strong language helps to communicate your passion and enthusiasm for your topic to your audience. If you are not passionate about your message, why should you expect the audience to care?


Rather than say a proposal is very important, for example, stress that it is absolutely vital. Try to include other emphasizers such as really, must and just.


What might be emphatic forms of these statements? *


a) We should cut costs.

b) I’m afraid the current plan is quite bad.

c) The future for the Asian market looks very interesting.


2. Length

Avoid the temptation to speak too long in your closing statement. The impact of your passionate closing statement will be greatly reduced if you continue speaking for several minutes, so keep it short. A minute or less is fine. Two or three high impact sentences will have a far greater impression on your audience than a lengthy speech.


* sample answers at the end of the next blog post!


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